So, it all began last night, getting home from work late, putting my kayak away, locking up for the evening. 20 minutes later I get a knock on the door, then another, then another, getting louder at each knock. I dont answer. I never do at night. Knocking stops, 30 minutes later, banging banging banging on my door yet again, now Im freaking out, cause I catch a glimpse of a man staring back at me thru peephole. I grab a knife and wait. Nothing, 20 min later, bang bang bang on my door again, at this point I have 911 on my cell screen ready to push send, then suddenly knocking stops. I text some friends letting them know what just happend and what I should do. I relaxed finally and no more knocking. I wake up early for a kayak trip this morning, wondering what that was all about last night..Mom comes over she was worried we plan to head out for the day...I cant find my keys, ANYWHERE, so Im stressing out saying forget kayaking now we have to go to the dealership! I call into work and let them know I can't come in, I lost everything..they say okay. My mother makes me retrack my steps from last night. I came home, with kayak on shoulder, put it outside then shut my door and locked it. The minute I did that reenactment, it dawned on me. I call my management office, and ask if they have a set of keys, THEY DO!! they said the Security guy was knocking on my door all night b/c I had left them in the door key lock..OMG!!! all that freaking out for nothing, he was trying to help! LOL

So now I have my keys, we are calming down, and head out to hoover damn and willow beach. Well we made it to the damn dam, but the road was closed to continued to Arizona :( so turning around yet again we venture out to lake mead to have lunch on the marina, after a hike..marina on lake mead has Wonderful food there FYI, finishing up lunch the winds are picking up we are getting cold so head back towards the car. But I then stop in my footsteps. "mom, why is the cororners /Medical examiners truck here?" then a police car, then an undercover car, csi, park rangers. A body was found that had gone missing a year ago. Wow. We sat there and watched the authorities do what they do, and called the news. No more info as of yet, but how surreal to be there and see that, felt like a csi episode.
You never know, or do I, ever know where my day will take me, or what I will that was an adventure today!
After the whole crime scene deal, we get lost trying to get home, and stubble upon beautiful houses, and end up just looking thru the fences of houses near shendoa and snap some pics, this is a lake in someones backyard with a gorgeous bridge and fake aligators...I left my house at 11am , I didnt get home till 8 pm- There is ALOT to do and see here and sometimes it helps to get lost! find hidden gems:)