What an amazing day! We started off by launching off the bottom of the Hoover Dam, this is private and you need a permit from the city and to go with a guide. Will cost 189$ a person, totally worth it! You meet at the Hacienda Hotel in Boulder City at 6 am to check in and get everything ready. I myself stayed over night so not to be late 1 (33$ a night, not toobad)n

Hacienda Hotel with a view of Lake Mead

Our Launch begins at 645 am, can't beat htis view!
First stop, is our first of many Hot Springs, you need to climb the rope to get up into the hot springs at the top and it is a cave you can walk through, water is a steamy 114 degrees! Prepare to sweat.

This is the hot springs cave , pitch black, so bring a headlight or flashlight!
Climbing back down to the Colorado River to continue our journey..

little hike up to another springs...gorgeous views

we made it!
climbing a ladder over a 20 ft waterfall to reach arizona hot springs

Kayaking the Colorado
Amazing day, 12 mile kayak down the CO River, worth every minute!
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